International Business > Cross-Border Products&Services > Foreign Currency Syndicated Loan
Foreign Currency Syndicated ...

 1. Product Introduction

 Foreign Currency Syndicated Loan refers to the service involves multiple banks participating under the same loan agreement, providing loans to the same borrower under unified loan terms. Disbursement is carried out through the correspondent bank according to agreed-upon schedules and proportions. These loans include both foreign currency loans and cross-border RMB loans.

 2. Product Features

 This product facilitates access to substantial loan amounts beyond the capacity of individual banks. It supports financing for large-scale projects, working capital loans, and addresses the financing needs associated with M&A, asset restructuring and international trade.

 SHRCB can serve as the lead arranger to execute foreign currency syndicated loan transactions for borrowers.

 3. Target Clients

 Enterprises with substantial loan requirements and specific foreign exchange needs.

Tel: +86-21-962999Postal Code: 200002E-mail: ir@shrcb.comAddress: No. 70 Zhongshan Road (East-2), Huangpu District, Shanghai, PRC

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